President's Message
Stephen Genoni
member photo
In the last edition I mentioned the guest speakers we've recently had and promised to provide more about them in future editions. The first of these is deep sea diver and author, Mike (Spike) McGettigan. Mike hails from a small country town in New Zealand but he and his wife, Christina and sons Ryan and Jay, now live in Perth.
Mike has always loved all things the sea has to offer and it has taken him around the world working as a commercial diver in the oil and gas industry. His book Walking on Ocean Floors (pictured at below) chronicles his diving through the cowboy days of the early 1980's around Asia and India, Australasia and Africa to the safety oriented  twenty-first century in the North Sea and Gulf Of Mexico.
This often involved working for long periods at great depth for which it was necessary to carefully prepare and acclimatise in a diving bell comprising: four living chambers; two wet pots (the chambers between the living chambers which also include the showers and toilets), and the TUP (a chamber where the divers transfer under pressure (TUP)); and breathing until their lungs were saturated, a mix of oxygen and inert gas to eliminate the toxicity of oxygen under pressure. It's called Saturation diving and is a technique that allows divers working at great depths to reduce the total time spent undergoing decompression and minimises the risk of decompression sickness ("the bends"). Nevertheless, returning to the surface safely requires lengthy decompression so that the inert gases can be eliminated in the lungs. Saturation divers typically breathe a helium-oxygen mixture to prevent nitrogen narcosis, but at shallow depths saturation diving has been done on nitrox mixtures. It is a very specialized form of diving; of the 3,300 commercial divers employed in the United States in 2015, only 336 were saturation divers. Mick did a lot of this and had some very interesting sometimes downright alarming experiences, including close encounters with sharks and sea snakes and made even more challenging when working in conditions of very poor visibility. 
When he was not in the water as a diver building or fixing oil fields, Mick never missed an opportunity to surf including many of the waves he dreamt about as a child.   
To get a "deep sea" view of Mike's work Click here
In the last edition I also reported on some key decisions the Board had taken. Amongst these was the  decision to proceed with planning for a monthly Artisan Market and also the Willetton Rotary Community Fair (WRCF). However following a wide ranging discussion with members at our meeting on 22 September 2021, we've decided to focus on the Artisan Market only. The venue will be Agincourt Park, between Burrendah Boulevard and Agincourt Road behind the Willetton Library and North of Southlands Shopping Centre. The first market will be held on Sunday 16 January 2022 from 9pm to 1pm. Thereafter, to avoid clashing with other similar events, we will be hold the market on the second Sunday of each succeeding month. The first two will have the full support of the City of Canning. It will be a challenge, but it's clear the members are up for it.  
Thanks to Gordon Booth and Kevin Baruffi, two more toasts to Rotary Clubs around the world appear in the right hand column and we'll include more in the next edition. 
The same goes our Club Joker's Jokes which continue to be delivered in style by Raffle Master Stuart Diggins  Click here.
To view the CLUB MEETING DUTY ROSTER for our next regular Club meeting and beyond Click here


On 29 September 1927, at a meeting presided over by District Governor Charles Rhodes, the Rotary Club of Timaru was Chartered with a membership of 25. The Club has  thirty five members led by President Hugh Perry and they meet at Timaru Town & Country Club, 99 Douglas Street, Timaru on Tuesdays at 6pm. The Club was recently recognised with a District Award for the best website and their projects include:

  • In Community Service:With support from the RJ & CF Moyes Trust, the Club provide a free dictionary to each year 4 child in South Cantebury schools.; Support for Heart Kids and Multiple Sclerosis South Canterbury; and the Club's Helping Hands project set up to provide a rapid response to people in crisis. 
  • In International Service; Donations to Shelterbox; Rotary Oceania Medical Aid for Children (ROMAC); and Interplast (which provides plastic surgery for patients from the Asoia Pacific region); and in Thailand, assisted with the redevelopment of laundry and bathroom facilities for an orphanage for stateless children 

They rase funds though Garage Sales and a Hot Dog stall at Alpine Energy Stadium where rugby is played.


The Club was Chartered on 17 May 1923 It has fifty five (55) members led by President Bob Cunningham and when possible, they meet on Monday at 12.30 pm at Grande Events Centre , Cecil Brewhouse & Kitchen North Bay; or otherwise by ZOOM. The Club's primary focus is helping children and youth overcome adversity by building handicapped access, mechanical lifts, medical financial assistance or honouring academic excellence, Group Study Exchanges, scholarships and much more, Fund Raising for this comes from Rotary4Kids, Rotary At Home Bingo, Nevada Tickets and Rotary Rose Day for a total of around $175,000 each year. For example the Rotary4Kids radio-a-thon, launched in 2003, raises funds in support of area children and youth with special needs. Each March, a local morning radio host stays on the air for 29 hours, broadcasting live on location. Over the past 17 years over $1 million dollars has been raised allowing for the purchase of assistive devices, home renovations, vehicle conversions, enrollment into various programs, assistance to cover uninsured medical costs and out of town travel and funding for special needs teams. To the two main recipients of the funds are the Nipissing Association for Disabled Youth (NADY) and One Kids Place Children’s Treatment Centre.

They also provide  direct/indirect involvement and support of RI's projects and initiatives around the world - with the priority currently being the eradication of polio. The Club is also actively involved in Rotary Youth Exchange and Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) programs; and its own initiative “Great Student Awards” and with the North Bay Regional Science Fair.

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